Oklahoma's Promise
Oklahoma's Promise
Who May Apply?
- Oklahoma Resident
- 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th grade students
- Students whose parents earn $60,000 or less per year
- Students who meet the requirements of the program
- Graduate from an Oklahoma high school or homeschool education program
- Take the 17 units of college-prep high school courses and achieve at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA in those courses
- Achieve at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all courses in grades 9-12
- Attend school regularly
- Stay away from drugs and alcohol
- Do not commit criminal or delinquent acts
How to Apply
- online at: www.okpromise.org
Get More Information
- www.okpromise.org
- Email - okpromise@osrhe.edu
- Call - 1-800-858-1840 or 405-225-9152