Yearbook & Journalism
Moore Lions Timekeeper Yearbook
Yearbook is a year-long class and extra-curricular activity that works to capture and create a publication that shares the history of the school and students' years. Yearbook staff members will learn to be photographers, graphic designers, entrepreneurs, marketing planners, and financial consultants. Every year the Yearbook staff are important leaders here at Moore High School. The YRBK Staff encourages school spirit, individuality, and, most importantly, unity. They are entrusted with freedoms that allow for capturing priceless moments and memories throughout the year. Our leadership role is not something we take lightly, it is something we cherish. We like to have fun while we work to capture, design, create, and deliver a yearbook every LION can be proud of!
- Yearbook is now a part of the Career and Technology Education's, Fundamentals of Technology in Publications career pathway, and will provide students with an opportunity to become certified in several Microsoft and Adobe products throughout high school.
- Students can now obtain the 2 computer credits needed for graduation by taking (FOTP, DP) yearbook.
- Students can now earn their MHS Letter in Yearbook/Journalism for their service, experience, and leadership, allowing yearbook students to get their Lettermen Jackets with the new yearbook patch.
- We are also offering 2 sections of Yearbook to allow students who attend Moore Norman or Concurrent Enrollment to participate all throughout high school.
There are always exciting things happening with your TIMEKEEPER STAFF as they work to create your Yearbook, so pay attention to our Social Media for updates and links to stay up to date and Get Involved!
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